Tricks of the Trade
Photo by Karly Santiago on Unsplash
By Mary Aviles
I wanted to share a quick-and-dirty list of resources I’ve developed:
Subject matter expertise - A majority of my work has involved sourcing secondary research. There's not much I can't find with long-tail search on the Internet. (And, I often find it difficult to stop following topics even after I've rolled off the project!) However, most of my work is proprietary, which inhibits my ability to showcase it.
Several years ago, I began to accrue secondary source material on Since then, I’ve discovered Wakelet, which I prefer for the user interface. Here is an example of a highly curated Wakelet from peer-to-peer health care influencer Susannah Fox. I can also embedded these lists along with client proposals illustrate categories of subject matter expertise. This way, I can demonstrate specific thought leadership and I can revisit these links when new speaking opportunities arise.
Recommended reading list - I have a seemingly-infinite list of business books on my Reading Bucket List. I often order them and don’t have the time to read them. This is why four-minute book summaries is so helpful. I also rely on Blinklist and Audible so that I’m more productive on the treadmill and during my commute (back when we were still allowed to commute).
Market need assessment - Lack of market need was the culprit in 42% of the 101 cases explored in an Harvard Business Review article on startup success. The author provides three means of establishing market need, relevant for start ups and existing businesses alike. They are:
Analyze the competitive landscape. Learn from the first mover and let them shoulder the burden of establishing or disrupting a market.
Synthesize search traffic. While interpretation will vary by industry and your goals, search traffic can serve as need validation.
Conduct a concept test. This can be done qualitatively or quantitatively, but it should contain a willingness to pay component (e.g., how willing are you to pay for _______?).
I'd like to add a fourth option, which is to conduct, as a team, Dr. Gary Klein's pre-mortem exercise to examine potential flaws at the outset.
What about you? Please share a daily short cut tool you’ve discovered.